Funeral or cremation services in Kilgore, TX, can cause significant pain for those who have experienced the loss. It is normal to feel helpless or more vulnerable when you see someone suffering and feel like you need to do something but do not know what you need to do. The emotions can fluctuate constantly, and the individual may not know what they need if asked. This is particularly true if the person has never lost anyone before and is confused about their experience. Taking the time to spend finding out what they may need is a priority, so here are some suggestions for gifts.
You Are Enough
The first and foremost idea is to offer your time to the individual. This can look like sitting with them, offering words of comfort, or a hug. They may need help with simple tasks around the house or property like housekeeping or pet care.
Personalized Care
Some companies offer excellent choices that are personalized for the individual. This gift is a deeply personal and kind gesture and comes in a large variety of options. Companies specialize in various items from books to bird feeders, so consider the loved one and the kind of personality.
All the items can be created with inscriptions to help the individual know you are there with them, even if you are away. A personalized gesture offers comfort and a reminder they are not alone in their process.
Offering them Nourishment
If the individual has a family or is on their own, they may need help with food or meals prepared for them. You can offer homemade meals that are customized to the individual’s diet. We recommend checking with the person for allergies or preferences they may have so your choice is proper. Another option is to provide gift cards or a grocery delivery services so the person can decide what they would like to have. Keep in mind that the average cost of an individual to eat is around $20, so ensure you are providing enough food for everyone involved in the household.
Natural Options
If the loved one was a nature lover, you might consider an eco-friendly option like creating a garden or offering to plant a tree in memory of the loved one. A small flower garden may be a way to provide a place the individual can spend caring for something that reminds them of their loved one.
Specialized Services for the Community
We always recommend checking with the individual to see their needs before making a purchase, and flowers are always an excellent option if you are unsure. East Texas Funeral Home wants you to know that we are a community-minded and caring company that offers the highest quality customer service on the market.
We have been in business since 1993 and are proud to put our community and clients first. If you are looking for cremation services in Kilgore, TX, we are here to help you. Give us a call today to set up an appointment and get you started on the process.