Monthly Archives: March 2022

cremation services in Kilgore, TX

Self-Care Tips When Caring for Others Who are Grieving

When it comes to grief, the experience is different for each person simply because they have to go through the five stages of the process. If you or an individual you know has recently had to schedule cremation services in Kilgore, TX, there may be a need for some extra self-care during the process, so getting some additional knowledge can be beneficial. Here are some excellent tips to help practice self-care when you or someone you know goes through grief.

Maintaining Compassion

When an individual is in a state of grief, emotions may arise that or centered around wanting to feel better and get past the loss. This is a complicated experience to go through, so one of the primary things that you can do is be mindful of maintaining compassion for yourself or anyone else while the feelings are being processed. And because there is no set amount of time for grief, practicing patience with the situation and accepting it can also be beneficial for healing.

Enjoying Hobbies

It is no secret that going through grief can be exhausting for some individuals, so it’s essential to make sure that there’s a balance between relaxing and processing. It can be incredibly beneficial to take the time to engage in activities that are pleasurable such as:

  • Creating art
  • Reading a book
  • Taking a bath
  • Watching funny videos
  • Playing a game
  • Eating a delicious meal
  • Watching a favorite movie

Taking even a few minutes a day to engage in an enjoyable activity can be helpful when it comes to navigating the grief process by finding time to relax.

Getting Connected

Connection is an integral part of the human experience, and this may be even more needed when an individual is going through the process of grief. We always recommend taking the time together with friends or family to connect and experience a feeling of support. The grief process can make some individuals feel alone as they go through the existing emotions, so it can be a healing process to know that others also have the same experience.

Express Yourself

Expression can be done through multiple facets, including art, writing, and other forms of therapeutic actions. Part of the process of grief is allowing the emotions that need to be expressed to be released, and it can be a great option to take the time to allow the feelings to be present then let go of them through different forms of art and expression.

Commitment to Quality you Can Depend on 

cremation services in Kilgore, TXEast Texas Funeral Home has been a provider of multiple options from funeral to cremation services in Kilgore, TX, for over 25 years. We strive to find affordable options for the families of our community to lay their loved ones to rest in an honorable and authentic way. There is no doubt that losing a loved one can be a harrowing experience for some, and you want to know you’re working with a company that understands the process of loss, so we are here to help. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

funeral homes in Kilgore, TX

If There is no Pre-planning, how do the Services Get Paid For?

In an ideal situation, when an individual passes away, there will be a prearranged contract with a funeral home or crematory that outlines specific details for the individual’s last wishes. In some cases, this isn’t always the option, and it may be up to a friend or family member to start looking at funeral homes in Kilgore, TX. There may be some questions around how the event will be paid for, so here are some options.

What are the Options?

  • Life Insurance: In some cases, the individual may have already had a policy in place for family members. Part of the service cost is if they have not been paid for already can be utilized from the policy. If the funds are not available right away from the insurance company, some funeral homes can work with agencies to secure a loan against the money released from the policy.
  • Pre-paid Contract: There are also some options available on the market that allow an individual to work with a funeral home to create a prepaid contract over time. The funding in place will go towards the cost of the service details and offer a sense of ease for the family members.
  • Savings: Some individuals may have had money built up in savings or other financial investments that can be utilized to help cover the cost of the services.
  • Crowdfunding: If there is no money prepaid or in savings, you may need to consider creating a crowdfunding option with companies like GoFundMe. The platforms allow outside individuals to make donations to causes or events affecting other individuals, offering a sense of support and care for the family.
  • Credit or Loans: The next suggestion is to utilize any credit cards that you may have available. It is also recommended to take out a loan to help cover the costs but be sure to compare interest rates to ensure you are utilizing the most sensible option.
  • Various Agencies: The last recommendation is to check with local nonprofits who might have an allowance available to offer individuals who need extra support. There are also agencies such as the Social Security Administration that provide a one-time payment for individuals who meet the requirements for the service.

Quality Through a Commitment to Our Community

funeral homes in Kilgore, TXLosing a loved one can be difficult enough to navigate through all the emotions, and when there is no funding set in place to pay for the services, it can get that much more complicated. When it does come time to start contacting  funeral homes in Kilgore, TX, you want to make sure that you’re working with a company that understands the intricacies that come with planning honorable events. East Texas Funeral Home has been in business since 1993, focusing on providing our community with the highest quality care on the market. We are here to help, so if you would like more information or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today, and we will help you get started with your planning.

cremation services in Longview, TX

How is a Care Calendar Useful After Loss?

In the time of loss, it can be unclear what an individual might need support. Their emotions can fluctuate as they go through the five stages of grief, and it can feel confusing and even frustrating for some. Once the cremation services in Longview, TX, are completed, the individual who has experienced the loss may need even more support, so a care calendar can be a vital part of the process, and here is more information.

What does the Calendar Offer?

Care calendars were invented to help delegate different tasks to individuals when someone is going through a transition. Once you have decided to create a care calendar, you will need to utilize one of the many applications online so that others can access the information. You will want to send a notification to anyone you may think is available or has offered to be a service to direct them to sign up to help.

Because it is vital to ensure that essential functions get completed to support the individual, the care calendar can be highly beneficial. If someone cannot meet a specific date or task that needs to be completed, someone else can step in and fill in for the job.

What Needs to be Completed?

The next thing you need to do is find out what needs to be completed for the individual who has experienced the loss. In some cases, the person may need help with tasks around the home, such as housework or helping with yard care. Depending on the loss, some people may need someone to spend time with them or take them out to lunch. Because grief can be a complicated process for some to go through, the needs might be simpler for the individual, so it’s good to check-in and ask them what you can do.

If an individual who signed up is unable to complete the task, there is also the option to reach out to local companies to do the job. Multiple companies on the market specialize in day-to-day chores like housekeeping or pet care. If the individual requires food help, you might consider getting a grocery delivery organized for them or creating a meal train so others can offer home-cooked meals for them.

Helping you Through the Process

cremation services in Longview, TXThere is no doubt that going through loss can create an extensive array of emotions. This experience may be confusing for some if they’ve never had to go through it before, and the amount of help needed can vary depending on the individual and their experience.

East Texas Funeral Home is a locally owned company that has been in business for over 25 years. We understand the pain of loss and work hard to offer affordable solutions for funeral and cremation needs for all our local families. We take great pride in providing supportive care as our clients plan their events, and if you require cremation services in Longview, TX, we would love to help you through the process. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.

Longview, TX funeral home

Nourishing Loved Ones After Loss

In the event that someone you know has recently lost a loved one, they may be going through an extensive array of emotions. The feelings can fluctuate, particularly after they have started looking at funeral homes in Longview, TX, so finding ways to help offer them comfort during their time of loss is essential. Providing different outlets for food sources can be an excellent way to let them know they are cared for, so here are some suggestions.

Why Is Food a Great Option?

Whether through reception or creating a meal train, food has always been a great source to bring individuals and communities together to develop a sense of connection. If you want to support someone in this way, it can be good to organize a calendar online that others can sign up for to provide meals for the individual or family. There are multiple applications and platforms that can support creating an organized event for anyone who wishes to participate by simply signing up.

If you are organizing a meal train or calendar, you will want to make sure that you check with the family prior for some essential information.

Are there any allergies?

This is an essential suggestion simply because there are many dietary restrictions for individuals in our world. Whether it’s gluten intolerances or dairy allergies, it is good to make sure that the individuals can ingest any food you or anyone else are preparing.

Do they have preferences?

Understanding what the individual or family likes will make a big difference, so you know that you’re bringing something that they will enjoy eating. This is even more important if the household has children because, in many cases, they can be pickier, and you want to create a sense of ease for the parents when it comes to food choices.

What kind of items do they have to cook with?

The last suggestion is to ensure that they have the appropriate cooking methods such as an oven or microwave to heat any food that may be provided.

What Are Some Options?

In most cases, a homemade meal will be a welcome option for most families. Casseroles, pasta dishes, and soups can be easy to serve items that take little energy to prepare. In other situations, it can also be beneficial to provide gift certificates to local restaurants. Keep in mind that the average price is around $20 per person, so understand how many people are in the household before making the purchase.

Providing you with Quality Care

funeral homes in Longview, TX

East Texas Funeral Home has been in business since 1993 with the goal of providing services that are affordable for the local community. We are a family-owned and operated facility and offer multiple services on the market and understand the details that need to go into creating a memorable event period. If you have recently lost a loved one and are looking at funeral homes in Longview, TX, give us a call today, and we will help get you started.